Elizabeth Baldwin Cook

Elizabeth Baldwin Cook
Growing up

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Two Down!

2 Months and still amazing!

They say with the second you are a little less anxious and germ-o-fob, I can totally agree. 
With Ellie I do not think I even left the house for the first two months, even to the Grocery Store, and well Caroline got to see DISNEY WORLD!


The stare down... (Caroline got this look from Pop) :)

 Caroline was a great sport!
Such a fun week at Disney World with all the Cook's. 
6 Week check up with shots went well! 96% for Height and 56% Weight
Still eating every 3 hours 4 oz. at night she will sleep for about 4-5 hours on occasion... (I WILL TAKE IT! :) )
January was one cold month, but we stayed warm inside while Ellie played in the SNOW!
Caroline practiced her snow dance while Daddy and Ellie played outside in the snow!
Had some fun with the Camera a few times!
Also had some fun with comparing baby photos of Caroline to Ellie and the resemblance is amazing...

We couldn't have asked for a better big sister.  Ellie is always checking on sissy and constantly asking, "Baby, OKAY?" and will grab her paci and plop it in her mouth, we are working on "gentle!".
Someone found their tongue!
 Additional pictures from Caroline's 2nd Month and Ellie's 23rd Month.

SNOW- Drove back from Disney World day early to see the SNOW!
This Mickey Mouse TALKED....


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