One Month old...
David and I must have done something right to deserve two wonderful little girls... Caroline is a wonderful baby who cries when she is gets hungry (which is like clock work 3 hours on the DOT... no need for a watch with this lil girl).
Watch out... I am already 10 lbs and growing everyday.
23 3/4 inches tall and taking 4oz milkevery 3 hours
Our first month flew by during the Christmas Season with great family and friends... The cold weather kept us inside snuggled up by the fire or a billiblanket... Caroline had jaundice pretty bad and had to go to the doctor every other day from 4 days old for a little over a week and had her foot poked every time (5 TIMES she was running out of space on her little feet :( ...)
My lil Glow Worm (baby)... :)
Hannah cannot get enough of her baby cousin... She is great with babies!
Her typical position for the first week or so at home of SLEEP...
She looks so big... its the camera she's itty bitty!
Typical position for Caroline and me... like really all the time!
We also made the trip up to Greenville a week before Christmas for Caroline to meet her Great Grandmommy Baldwin! Grandmommy was in love.
4 Generations! I love them!! The sweetest ladies you will ever meet... And I call them Mom and Grandmommy :)
Ellie has really gotten into holding babies and rocking them :)
While in Greenville we were able to celebrate Christmas Eve at Gigi's with some of Caroline and Ellie's cousins (Gracie and Adeline Howard)
When did she grow up??
These TWO equal TROUBLE!
Girls and their Jeeps.... -oh goodness
Howard's Christmas in the Mountains
Silly picture... you can almost see everyone...
Cheesin with Daddy
David being a good sport about the Caroline/Clemson game bet..
Waiting for all the kiddos to go down to enjoy our Christmas dinner..
Caroline is totally blessed to have so much family that loves her and spoils her unconditionally. We have been blessed this Christmas Season...
I might have gone a little overboard with the picture, but who knows how long I will keep up with this blog :) (just being honest - but will TRY)
Caroline was 4 days old... I think she did pretty good.
Ellie on the other hand was not feeling it...
Christmas with the Grandparents!
Christmas at the Cooks
Girls and their Jeeps.... -oh goodness
Howard's Christmas in the Mountains
Silly picture... you can almost see everyone...
Cheesin with Daddy
Complete CHAOS for 10 minutes while everyone tears into their gifts!! So much fun :)
David being a good sport about the Caroline/Clemson game bet..
Waiting for all the kiddos to go down to enjoy our Christmas dinner..
Caroline is totally blessed to have so much family that loves her and spoils her unconditionally. We have been blessed this Christmas Season...
I might have gone a little overboard with the picture, but who knows how long I will keep up with this blog :) (just being honest - but will TRY)
Ellie thinks she can fit in the bassinet....
Caroline in the bassinet, family tradition...
My name is one of the ones at the top... but it has gone through the entire family!
Got to have a little adult time while in Greenville with the cousins!