Picture Perfect!
Where does the summer go?
No surprise here, but Caroline loves the beach, not exactly in the sand,
but lounging in her monkey is not a bad day.
We were able to make it down to Fripp for the 4th of July with Cambo and her family!
Everyone slowly waking up before hitting the beach.
I believe the pinwheel kept Caroline amused for a good 20-30 minutes!!
Ellie has found it really entertaining to lay with sissy in bed and of course
Caroline loves the attention from her big sister.
Caroline Frances Cook was dedicated at Riverland Hills Baptist Church 7/13/2014.
Caroline did an amazing job, but the real entertainment was from Ellie making sure to say HELLO to everyone in the audience with a special Nana and Pop shout out repeatedly.
Two sweet sweet girls!
Saturday morning stroll downtown at Soda City... 1st time both the girls rode in the stroller without a carseat! BIG DAY
Possibly the happiest baby! Caroline the past couple months has amazed us with how easy going and happy she is... The only time you will hear her squel is FEEDIN time... We have FINALLY incorporated more food into her daily feedings, still drinking about 6 oz every 3-4 hours as well. Going down at 6:30 pm unless there is allot going on and she can usually hang for a little while before hitting her max and waking up between 6:30 am to sometimes 8am (not usual but on the weeekend we MIGHT get lucky!!). I am not complaining by any means, we have been very fortunate.
Some play time on the weekends in Caroline's bed.
Additonal Pictures throughout the month of July!
At the zoo for a little fun!
Ellie driving around her cousins, Nathan and Hannah.
My girls with all their buddies from Day Care with the AMAZING Amber!! I am speechless on how great she is to my girls and how she takes them out on adventures... I am nervous just taking my two girls...
Ellie playing in the sand (but not sitting in the sand)
The pool was a great addition to a beach trip!
My girl doing what she does best... Eating and Posing...
Watching the fireworks for the 4th of July at Fripp with my sister!!
Did a little hiking in Chimney Rock with the girls.
My sweet Caroline!
My girls...
Caroline and Wyatt telling me the secret to life.